A downloadable game for Windows

It's classic game Asteroids from 1979 but in co-op! (there are also some additions...)

This is meant to be enjoyed with friends at home or online using Parsec which allows you to stream your screen to others and send inputs through the internet.

Link to Parsec if you want to play online: https://parsec.app

There is a shop where you will be able to buy power-ups at wave 10 and there is a boss at wave 11. The score that each player makes is also his money.

Inputs on keyboard:

- Accelerate = W

- Rotate = A/S

- Fire = Space

- Join = S

* there is currently no support for two players on the same keyboard.

Inputs on Gamepad:

- Accelerate = Left stick up

- Rotate = Right stick left/right

- Fire = Right Trigger

- Join = South button


Asteroids but co-op.zip 28 MB

Install instructions

1. unzip

2. launch file "Asteroids but local coop.exe"

Bonus step: you can make a shortcut of the exe file on your desktop by right clicking on it and selecting send to: desktop shortcut

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